Monica Hallac
Monica Hallac is a family nurse practitioner serving the patients at our Ann Arbor, MI location. Her role is to ensure the safety of patients during their infusions, assess patient orders, evaluate the patient if needed while they are here, and answer any questions the patient may have before or after they leave. She also completes physical exams for patients needing preoperative clearance. Monica obtained her BSN from Wayne State University and worked as an RN in an oncology/hematology unit for 5 years. She then obtained her MSN from South University. She has experience working as a Nurse Practitioner in an outpatient vascular clinic and in a correctional facility. She joined Infusion Associates in November 2021.
Monica enjoys the role with Infusion Associates as she is able to improve patient outcomes while also building relationships with her patients. She is most passionate about making a difference for patients who, without these treatments, would have disabling symptoms from their illnesses. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling all over the world, and eating delicious meals cooked by her husband who is a chef!